I'm sorry, my respect to Ellen DeGeneres. I have a mental problem (isn't helped) and I guess I should not be so uptight.. I really got mad walking, put the bull away that I was mad at anyone in particular. I do forget what's around me because my parents are so GODDAMN SUGGESTIVE ALL THE TIME
No excuse, but I was mad @ people and that it happened, assumed not necessarily influenced by anyone in particular.
Not sure what to do..I eat different ways..gotta get ready soon.. I just feel bad I come out so nasty. I went through what I wrote and see it was pretty good compared to what happened .. why is that funny to you? It's not. I just went out to walk and sing and was mad and ran across some racists, later, though.. Maybe, clearning my room will help me.
Okay, bye. Gosh darnet, who reads this muss?
Oh, I didn't think of nothin' myself, I just got upset and sang louder that no one would do this to me, really, not attacking. My voice is fine! 3I